Spring is well underway but there has never been a finer time to start your Spring-cleaning – that’s according to a psychologist.

Research undertaken by online electricals retailer AO.com, has delved into the psychology of scent, and why Spring-cleaning your home will lead to a happier life as we head into summer.

Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, Consumer Psychologist & Professor of Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, explained to AO why scent not only befits a Spring-clean, but has such a huge impact on our home lives. She said:

“Having a cluttered home environment can impact people’s well-being which means a good Spring-clean of the home can make people feel generally better.

“Also, a good clean which makes the house smell ‘fresh’ will generate a more favourable perception which can quickly comfort households.

“Quite simply, people tend to struggle to adapt to unpleasant odours and thus you don’t want to have them in your home as you would not wish to spend time there.”

Further findings from Dr Jansson-Boyd indicate that a clean scent can lead you to be more productive, influence your mood, and leave a big impact on your mental health.

Dr Jansson-Boyd said:

“Scent can increase productivity and one example is relaxing scents, such as tea leaves, as they can influence emotion positively.

“When you’re using different types of computer-based software, the positive perception rubs off on it so that it is perceived more pleasant. This can be helpful to tasks that are repetitive.

“Smelling something that reminds you of a positive past event can make you feel generally happier.

“When it comes to your mental health, seeing an environment changing to become cleaner can be satisfying.”

The chemical reaction behind scent is due to our senses. Olfaction, our sense of smell, can change our perceptions and trigger emotions during Spring-cleaning.

Dr Jansson-Boyd explained why olfaction is so important to scent:

“Olfaction has been connected to emotions in terms of activation in the brain. Hence, different types of scent triggering certain emotions.

“The more closely aligned the scent is to something a person has previously experienced, the more likely it is that the associated emotion is experienced.

“As our olfactory sense is closely aligned with our memories, smelling something that reminds you of a positive past event can make you feel generally happier.”

Considering this, experts at electrical retailer AO have revealed some top tips on boosting the scent of your home through household appliances.

Joshua Warren, appliance expert at AO, said:

Steam cleaner – “Next time you’re doing a Spring-clean, why not try adding a few drops to the water tank of your steam cleaner. The heat from the cleaner helps to neutralise odours – adding a few essential oils or a personal favourite will leave a pleasant home fragrance.

Vacuum cleaner – “When using your vacuum, you can sprinkle some scented powder to help bring a perfect scent home. Try to spread the powder before vacuuming and this help leave a fresh scent behind. Alternatively, you can also try adding some scent boosters to your vacuum!

Air purifier – “Some air purifiers come with scented filters or pads that can diffuse pleasant scents while purifying the air. Check your model and if compatible, use this to heighten your home fragrance by popping the purifier on.

Washing machine – “Cleaning your home is a must but it’s recommended to boost the scent of your clothes using your washing machine. Next time you’re popping a wash on, try adding a long-lasting fragrance to give your clothes that scent of home.”
